Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Rocks From Lake Superior

This plate of  "cookies"
was brought to me from the shores of Lake Superior at Whitefish Point, near the Edmund Fitzgerald Museum. (The Edmund Fitzgerald was lost with 29 souls aboard in 1975.) The collector of these beautiful rocks reported that it appeared that on this beach made of rocks, each one was different (isn't Nature wonderful?). I know that it must be a sight that lives long in memory, as this is only the second person I know personally who has visited Lake Superior, and both were struck by the stony beach. The waves were huge and pounding at the time these stones were gathered, and it was said that the waves and stones will grind many stones to sand in as little as 6 weeks from the time they arrive at the beach.
I call this a plate of cookies because every time I pass them sitting on the kitchen counter, I fleetingly think they are cookies and want to eat one.

Weather update: after 2 days of bitter (40's) wind that felt like it was off ice, this morning there was a pretty good frost. Just a reminder that we are not finished with frost yet, in spite of the warm temps  in February

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