Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Forsythia or Yellow Bell

Forsythia is long gone now. Every flower has dropped away and in place of a bright yellow flash in the landscape, I now have a hum drum green forgettable shrub. But it was pleasure while it lasted, and the great part is, it will be back next year, in spite of anything I may or may not do to it. It takes care of itself. It would be denser and produce more flowers if it were in less shade and was watered in dry spells and treated to fertilizer each year, and pruned a little. But Forsythia is not my only concern in life, so I let it take care of itself.
The easiest way to propagate Forsythia is to cut 4 or 5 twelve inch branches and stick them straight into the ground where you want them to grow. (Clay is OK). Keep them watered the first year, especially in dry spells, then before you know it you'll have a nice bush.

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