Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Trip to Sanibel Island

I have recently returned to Alabama from a trip to sunny Florida where it was cold, windy,overcast, and misty/rainy. I suppose I should have known better than to go south during spring break. Although the beaches where I was were not exceedingly crowded, I suspect the reason was the weather. But in spite of the weather, it was a lovely trip and was nice to be with all the family, and share some time away. We stayed in a condo just steps from the beach, we ate at the original home of Cheeburger Cheeburger (Yum for those chocolate key lime pie milkshakes), ate a meal at the Mucky Duck (Once is all we could afford), and cruised around looking for alligators which we never saw. We took the ferry from Pine Island over to Caya Costa State Park and spent several hours trolling the deserted beaches for sand dollars. (Found about 5 or 6,none of which were perfect, but were still good finds.)I managed to get my feet sunburned (a first for me-it's usually my nose). My nose sailed through unscathed due to diligent use of spray sun block (A new thing for me-I thought you had to slather it on) as well as a very wide brimmed hat. We found lots of shells, but not a lot of big ones. We found so many in fact that we were only able to bring a fraction of them home, but then, the joy is in the hunt anyway. I will post a few pictures later but will try not to run on forever like I did about Hawaii.

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