Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Grounds at Edison's Home




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While we were in Ft. Myers, we visited the grounds at Edison's home. We did not go in the home as we had seen the house and workshop before, but we had to go by and say hello to the banyan tree. I believe it is the largest one in the US. There are larger ones elsewhere. India has some that cover acres of land.
The garden had been decorated with butterflies made by school children and was an interesting project. I really liked the metal tree with butterflies attached.
The green fruits were on a papaya tree that was only about 7 feet tall. It seemed an incredible fruit load for such a small tree.
The bougainvillea is pretty impressive also. My tiny little potted ones in the greenhouse were sad when I told them about how big and happy their family members are in Ft. Myers. It made me feel like I was keeping mine in a cold dark prison.

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