Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Home Remedies

I recently ran across a list of home remedies and I am expanding that list.
1)Hiccups: swallow a teaspoon of sugar. Don't dissolve it before swallowing. It will reset the irritated nerve that is causing the hiccups.

2)Cough: have some dark chocolate. Theobromine in dark chocolate has proven more effective than codeine without the drowsiness and constipation

3)Stinking feet: soak feet nightly in one part vinegar to 2 parts water

4) bad breath: gargle with some lemon juice, followed by a bit of plain unsweetened yogurt.(buttermilk might work as well). The effect last 12 to 24 hours.

5)Stop bleeding in mouth: bite down on a moistened tea bag.

6)Burns (small): ice first, followed by aloe vera. Tea also good here. It toughens the skin.

7)Tired puffy eyes: cool used tea bag in refrigerator and place over eyes.

8)Indigestion: peppermint candy or McDonald's vanilla shake (is this a HOME remedy?)

9)Stings: apply ammonia or chewing tobacco (eeuuew!) works though

10)Diarrhea: Tea made from sweetgum leaves or bark. drink plenty. Do not worry about eating.

11)Cut that opens up: when bleeding slows enough, remove membrane from inside egg and place over the cut. Do not wash either before or after the egg membrane is applied. As the egg dries it will pull the edges of cut together and facilitate healing like a butterfly bandage.

12)Dry up chicken pox: get a chicken to sit on the victims head

And I bid you a fond adieu .


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