Monday, November 16, 2009

Double Purple Datura


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This Datura is beautiful right now, and has been for a couple of months. This is one thing the deer won't eat because they know it is poison. It is a relative of the plant I used to know that grew in the cow lot and we called jimpson weed. It could get huge but the cows never bothered it. They did not even trample it over. They stayed away from it. I had tried to same seed of this one before but in the end had to get the seed from someone who lives farther south. Although I have had gorgeous blooms,it looks like there will be no seed this year either. The pods do not mature. Once when I visited a friend near Atmore, Alabama she had one of these that was about 10 feet tall. I have no idea what the difference is between mine and hers. This one is about thigh high.

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