Friday, September 25, 2009


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I bought this plant a few months ago at a bigbox store (maybe Lowe's).The reason I bought it was I could see the remains of 2 different flowers so I knew that the pot contained more than one plant. One was yellow and the other was red, or mahogany as they are sometimes called. I am very pleased that the red has come in bloom again. After it finishes bloom, I will repot it if I can find some reasonably priced orchid media.
Oncidiums are sometimes called Dancing Ladies, but to me they look more like exotic bugs. They are easy to grow, but be careful not to overwater. They do well in bright light, little fertilizer in the water about once a month, grow on the dry side watering maybe once a week. Check before watering to make sure they are not still damp before rewatering.
I have a fellow one that fills my greenhouse with blooms each spring. They have proliferated to the point where they are popping out with blooms in all kinds of places.They seem to care for themselves. they should be repotted about every 2 years, but if not mine just keep growing on out of the pot. their roots hang over the edge and keep growing. This is also an indication that they do well with a minimum amout of care and can be grown on the dry side.

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