Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obedient Plant

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I have grown obedient plant for many years, but contrary to what I have read from other growers, I have never found it invasive. apparently its characteristics change when it is given sandy loam and ample water. Of course I have clay and I suppose that keeps it in check. I have 2 spots where it grows and it has been exceptionally beautiful this year. In fact, I have a large arrangement of it on the dining table now. Its genus is Phytostegia and is also sometimes called dragonhead. The name obedient plant derives from the characteristic of the plant to hold its flowers in any position you move them to.
They are reported to come in white as well as pink, but I don't think I ever met a white one. But as a general rule I prefer other colors beside white. I think white flowers do not age as gracefully as colored ones.
I got my original start of this plant from my Mother who had to thin it out every year (she has sandy loam soil).She warned me about it but I never experienced any invasiveness. It spreads by both seed and runners and is perennial, so it does have a potential to become a problem. the only problem I ever had with it is it usually falls over once the flowers develop and it gets top heavy. perhaps if it could have all day sun all the season, it would be stronger.

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