Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Visit to the Aquarium

On our recent trip to the Wildflower Pilgrimage in Gatlinburg we visited the Ripley Aquarium. It was GREAT! I had been to the one in New Orleans several years ago and was impressed with it, but over time my memories faded. The one thing I do remember was the seahorse tanks. The same thing impressed me at the Gatlinburg aquarium. In fact I was so impressed that I used up the whole memory card in my camera taking videos. Strangely my videos were a lot better quality than my stills, which were all blurred. I guess the fish (and shark, and turtle) moved too fast??
Here is another one
and here
Here are the jellyfish
And the sea dragons
and lionfish

Or you can just go to You Tube and search goldhillplantfarm

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