Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Little Something Martha Would Like!




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This is a swell present I received for my birthday. I thought it was nothing short of amazing. And beautiful, too. Take about a teaspoon of the crystals in first picture, put them in the dish and start adding water. Those crystals just keep gobbling water and swelling up more and more. I added water till no more was absorbed and the dish was full of a gel matrix.
Next take a half cup of water and soak about a tablespoon on wheat seed in it.
Spread the soaked seed on top of the gel matrix and keep adding water everyday. The seed must not dry out. I began to see the wheat germinating. In about a week I had a dish full of grass for a lovely table arrangement.It would have been better if I had sowed the seed thicker but I will know for next time. If I had scheduled it better I could have hid an egg in it for Easter. See, I told you Martha would like it!And I do, too.
It is lasting really well

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