Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yard Sculpure by Roy Hood



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These yard sculptures were fabricated by Roy Hood, a native of Opelika , who would doubtless never admit to being an artist. Yet, he clearly is. These creatures were welded together using old worn out and rusty gardening and farm implements. I added the paint just to make them show up a bit more against the drab winter background. But the creatures may be more appealing in their native rust. These 2 birds, a turtle and a fly seem ready to let out a wisecrack, just like Roy himself. His delight is insulting people as they walk by his booth at Ruth's flea market. He enjoys sparing with one and all. He is about 90 years old, but he is as spunky as they come. In addition to welded sculptures, he also makes wooden carvings, primarily mules. He makes all kinds of seats, chairs and settees out of odd assortments like wagon wheels. He also constructs wagons and drays to be pulled by horses, mules, goats, etc. He is a real live breathing Alabama folk artist.

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