Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Life in Prison

Those of you who know me personally ,know that I have been corresponding with an inmate in the Iowa Women's Correctional facility for several years.I offered to set her up a blog site. My purpose in doing this is to try to enlighten myself as well as others about life in prison. I believe that because someone is sent to prison they do not cease being human, and they still have the same needs as those of us on the outside. They need to be reminded of their worth as people who are valuable in God's sight just because they ARE. They need ministry. They need to know they are not forgotten.
Shalonda's purpose in writing the blog is to try to get help for herself. She believes she was wrongly convicted and hopes that someone will hear of her plight and try to help her.
I understand that most women in prison say they are guilty and are getting what they deserve, while men usually protest that they are innocent. Shalonda says she is innocent.
I do not know how to reach a wider audience than through the people who read my blog. I would like advice on how to publicize her blog.

To go to her blog, click here or go to

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