Friday, December 5, 2008

Wreath Making



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It's funny that when you start making wreaths almost anything becomes fodder for the wreath mill. From the picture you can see what an odd assortment we gathered for our project. First there is the wreath base which can be straw, vine, styrofoam or any number of things. To decorate the wreath, just look around. We used both natural and artificial materials. The greenery was fresh: magnolia leaves (and pods), red cedar,and jackson smilax. We used these because they were what was growing in our yards. Dried materials included all sorts of cultivated and wild materials such as sweet gum balls, magnolia pods,pine cones,wasp nests, foxtail grass, gompherea, and sea shells. Take a look at the picture and you will see a partial assortment of what we used. We also used purchased material and material from past wreaths.
This is a fun group project and we egged each other on to new heights of inventiveness. Someone suggested we should make wreaths and sell them to benefit a charity. Maybe next year we can start sooner and do that.

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