Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shore Birds at Sanibel/Captiva




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If there were fewer large shells this time at Sanibel, there were certainly more beautiful birds. There were huge flocks in Ding Darling Preserve, but they were everywhere we went. The first picture shows an artificial platform for ospreys to nest on. I saw an osprey on the nest at one site. The beaches hosted large numbers of laughing gulls and terns which flock together. Pelicans soared over the water making dives for fish that left me wondering how they kept from breaking their necks. In the preserve I saw white pelicans which I had never seen before. Seeing an ibis fishing in the surf was a real treat, and the rosette spoonbills! O, they were gorgeous. At first I thought they were flamingos because of their color, but a birder with a huge lens on his camera set me straight and let me look through his camera. Wow!
But I guess my favorites are the little sanderlings that chase the receding waves on the beach. They go up and back and never get caught by a wave, but once I did see one get hit by a wave. Before it could recover, another wave hit. I was ready to jump to its assistance, but it turned out my help was not needed. It escaped to the dry sand and looked back at the waves as if it had been humiliated. Or maybe that was relief I saw. If you get too close to them as you walk along the surf, they take a detour around you and keep on with their business. I wish I had a movie of them. I find their movements both soothing and animating. For a picture of sanderlings and their behavior, click here.

1 comment:

  1. I've just run across your blog with some birds, etc. from Sanibel. I live at Sanibel and love watching the birds on the shore, also the crashing pelicans that you mentioned. They're very comical. Hope you can return soon. :-)
