Friday, February 23, 2018

Daffodils Popping Out like Crazy

Spring has jumped ahead of me (once again). It always seems like there is plenty of time to get seed started, get a few new trees and shrubs in the ground, etc and then suddenly it's getting late for all these things. I have planted a few pepper seed but no tomatoes or flowers yet. In fact the flowers I ordered from the American Horticulture seed exchange have not even arrived yet. But it is hot as blue blazes, 80 degree days and 60 or 70 degree nights. And it is far too early for all this heat. The weather man says that a Bermuda high is responsible for all this heat and lack of rain, and mentioned the drought of 2007. I hope we do not go there again!
But the daffodils are moving along at an incredible rate, as are the hyacinths. They all smell so sweet. (Well maybe not some of the Narcissus.)

                                                        Peeping Tom daffodil

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