Saturday, January 27, 2018

Winter at Gold Hill Plant Farm

 Winter is my least favorite season, even though we do not have enough really bad weather to complain about. Winter here is more like a low grade fever that makes you feel listless and blue, but not really sick enough to go to bed. And so, I live for the daffodils that will soon begin marching forth from the ground.
 In the meantime I do a few crafts that I hesitate to call "Art" but which are very satisfying to me.
My latest is a nature box.
Left to right
top row: overcup oak acorn, 2 different polished rock specimens from a long ago rock show

second row: jewel box bivalve, 3 acorns (unknown variety), broken top from fighting conch

third row: dried hydrangea blooms, broken top from a whelk shell, another polished rock

Fourth row: tiny pine cone brushed with paint to look like snow, 2 more rocks, one polished and one   natural, some dried candles from (probably) Norfolk Island Pine

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