Friday, July 4, 2014

Pink Rain Lilies

Zephyranthes grandiflora  are pink rain lilies. They typically bloom when it rains after a dry spell and  usually bloom several times over the course of summer. I had some white ones once, but they have not bloomed this year.
 Although the individual flowers do not last a long time, they are a joy to see spring up so quickly and beautifully. These are in my main flower bed.
I got a book from the library called Garden Bulbs for the South by Scott Ogden. I never knew there were so many different kinds and colors of Rain lilies. They are in all shades of white, pink, rose, and even yellows. Many of the ones he describes seem to be native to Texas and drier areas west of the Mississippi.  Many of the ones he lists are native species. Here in the southeast we often see Atamasco lilies along the roadsides in wet areas. They only bloom once a year and are white. Some of the other white species bloom more than once if conditions are right.

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