Sunday, July 13, 2014

Golden Lace (Patrinia scabiosifolia)

This is Golden Lace (Patrincabiosifolia)

I have been growing it for at least 20 years. In the beginning I had several plants, but in recently years the number has dwindled so that I only have one now. I had forgotten the name of it and requested naming help from a group of specific epithet wizards I found online.  I got the name in minutes from the picture I sent.

I knew almost nothing about Golden Lace, except it is extremely hardy and is able to survive benign neglect for years on end.  Here you can find a lot of info about the growing Golden Lace, as well as about its area of origin (Far East), and see beautiful combinations of it growing with other flowers, as well as using it in arrangements. After seeing these pictures, I want to use it in my garden more. It is a great see-through plant, and stays in bloom for a very long time.

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