Monday, April 21, 2014

New Bird Feeder Visitors

In the past week I have seen 2 birds at the feeder, both new to me. searching online I eventually came up with their likenesses.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Photo

You can read all about the rose-breasted grosbeak here. It is a migrant through this area so I may not see it again any time soon.

I have also seen the equally beautiful and flashy blue grosbeak, which breeds in our area.. Why have I got seen this beauty before?

Blue Grosbeak Photo

I have also seen the equally beautiful and flashy blue grosbeak, which breeds in our area.. Why have I not seen this beauty before?

Information about the blue grosbeak can be found here

I feed sunflower seed and get different types of birds from the ones I used to get when I fed wild bird food mix, which has a high proportion of millet, a seed that many birds reject. Birds seem to eat sunflower seed down to the last one and ground feeders eat what is accidentally kicked out. Or chipmunks. Chipmunks do a good clean-up of any wastage. Over the winter I had many many cardinals (I call them redbirds), goldfinches, black capped chickadees, and titmouse (mice?).

1 comment:

  1. These birds are stunning! I'm enjoying reading about your garden and outdoor activities - Hiram sent me the link! Quite different than up here in Jersey. -Johannah
