Friday, April 4, 2014

My First Iris of 2014

 This is the old variety of white iris that is frequently seen around old home sites. It is always the first one to bloom. After the white and the yellow finish their bloom time it will be several weeks before my other irises start.

I receive an email telling me when the ISS (International Space Station) will be visible in my area. I have been getting the email for several months, but tonight was the first time I have seen it. In the past rain, clouds, or forgetfulness have interfered with me seeing it. It appeared as a tiny sharply bright star moving at a good clip from SW to E at about 73 degree angle.. In 3 minutes it was gone.
 The stars were very bright and beautiful tonight. AND the lightning bugs (fireflies to the uninitiated) were moving about in the tops of the trees, They were there last night also.

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