Friday, March 14, 2014


This is the old fashioned (non-hybridized) hyacinth which are sometimes called Roman or French Hyacinths.
The stalks are thinner with fewer flowers, but same great fragrance. They don't tend to bend over when fully open as bad as the hybridized ones do.

These are very light pink, almost white. They grow at my back door where I can enjoy them every pass in or out.

                                                  “If, of thy mortal goods, thou art bereft,
                                                   And from thy slender store two loaves
                                                   alone to thee are left,
                                                   Sell one & from the dole,
                                                   Buy Hyacinths to feed the soul”
                                                  - Muslihuddin Sadi,
                                                  13th Century Persian Poet

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