Friday, February 14, 2014

Winter, But Not Resting

Spring is coming, although cold and winter precipitation is still a real possibility. Here in Alabama we know that spring is usually fickle,but reliable warmth will be here soon and we will begin complaining about heat. Seeds are ready to be released, if they have not already been and buds are swelling. The top picture is a milkweed vine, with a pod of flyaway seed characteristic of the Asclepias genus. By the way, even though this is a native plant, I do not welcome it, especially in my gardening beds. It came up in a vegetable bed one year and it took 2 years of pulling to get it all out. It twines around everything and the flowers are small and dully colored (green and maroon). It is interesting, but I advise enjoying it on the roadside and edges and don't invite it home with you. The second picture is a native azalea making nice plump blooms to open soon. Ahhh.. I can almost smell the perfume now!

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