Friday, February 21, 2014


Not just bulbs are blooming now. Hellebores are just starting, at least mine are. This is the first year my white one has been pretty,but the rose colored ones, which I have had for a long time is beautiful also. I also have some in pots and a couple of them have buds.
Hellebores are good garden plants for several reasons. They bloom when little else is blooming, usually even before the daffodils and have a very long season of bloom. Deer do not eat them. And, they are tough as iron. They look none the worse for the bad winter we have had. They need some shade for the heat of summer to keep from blistering, but need the sunlight in the winter, so under a deciduous tree is the ideal place to situate them.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I found some in a Portland, OR, nursery that are hardy to Zone 3 "with protection". Might have to try a plant or two....
