Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas (almost) Cyclamen and Clematis

I bought these cyclamen in late spring this year, after Lowe's put them on sale. They have been blooming ever since. They are not as fresh and pretty as they once were, but I think this run of bloom is incredible. Cyclamen have a tough row to hoe at my house, between squirrels and deer. I had some nice pink and rose colored ones, but after 2 years, the critters finally destroyed them.

This is a lonely misplaced bloom on my 'Ramona" clematis. It had long finished it's bloom and a few days ado i found this washed out flower near the ground. These are the big lavender/purple ones that are so glorious in the early summer and usually again in the fall. This must be a forgotten bloom that was asleep when everyone else bloomed! but I have to admit, this is perseverance.

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