Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Flowers in Bloom

Fall is here but many plants are still putting on a show. Seems like some plants save the best til last.I still have lots of zinnias blooming altho the foliage on many of them is very spotted. I planted some  seed in late August so I have some fairly young zinnias also. The Perilla (Magilla-what a hoot for a name) in the foreground looks better all the time It has been lovely all season, but now is creating a welcome fresh point in the flower bed among other plants that that are winding down. It roots easily and I usually just take cuttings so I will have it next year, and leave the big ones in the garden. Behind and to the left of the Perilla is a Tibouchina with purple flowers. It is a late bloomer and adds a fresh touch so late. In the back is one spot of bright yellow. It is Turneria.

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