Thursday, August 29, 2013

White Ginger Lily

Beginning in August every year, my white ginger lilies ( Hedychim coronarium) start a season of beauty and fragrance. I have them planted under the eave drip and near the outdoor faucet so they get a tremendous amount of water. They are water hogs and to grow their best and bloom their longest, they need a steady supply of water. I like to cut several and put them in a large vase for the house. I try to make them tidy in the vase by keeping the spent flowers picked off the cone-like inflorescence. They last several days and continue to perfume.
 The easiest method of propagation is to divide the rhizomes. Cut the rhizomes with a shovel or sharp knife at the obvious joints. Roots grow from the sides of the rhizomes, so try not to loose any more of the roots than necessary. Loosen the soil where you intend to plant, and only partially bury the rhizome in the soil. Just stabilize the rhizome in an upright position til it is established. If there is green growth when you plant it, you will need to cut this back to a few inches so it will be manageable. It will put out new growth soon.
 My plants typically get to be about 5/6 feet tall. I seldom to never fertilize them and they largely take care of themselves, except in dry spells when they need extra water.
They are endemic to  the Himalayas (Nepal and India) but have become troublesomely invasive in some places, notably Hawaii.  I don't believe that is a problem in my zone as they die back in the winter. However the size of the clump does increase, and I divide some off almost every year.

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