Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Hyacinth

My Galtonia candicans (Summer Hyacinth) has just about finished blooming, but was in bloom for  a long time. in the heat and high humidity of summer. I've had this bulb for several years and it blooms every year reliably. This year it was taller than usual (about 3 feet), probably  because of all the rain. I no longer remember where or when I got it, but I only had one when I planted it. Now it has made an offset which also bloomed this year, plus 2 flower stalks from the original bulb.. The flowers are white with some green markings. They are claimed to be fragrant, but frankly, I can detect no fragrance at all.
It needs full sun (at least 6 hrs/day) and otherwise ordinary soil conditions (fertile soil, well drained).
It is also known by the names Hyacinthus candicans and  spire lily.
 If you can get one of these by hook or crook, I highly recommend it for it's sturdy beauty and undemanding care.

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