Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chirita (Primulina)

On a recent trip to Southern Homes in Wetumpka, I spied this plant. I called it a Chirita, and I had never seen one for sale in a store before. I have since found out that the new name for these plants is Primulina and they hail from Vietnam and China. They are new plants having been in cultivation less than 20 years. They are classified with the gesnerids that hold such tried and true favorites as African violets,Columneas, Episcias, and  Streptocarpus. They are much more tolerant of less than perfect growing conditions than African Violets are. They can tolerate less warmth, more light, and are really a joy. I have one blooming now and a couple more growing a bit before they bloom. The added bonus of this one is that it has beautiful variegated leaves also.

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