Monday, March 11, 2013

Bird Feeders

 I received this bird feeder as a gift several years ago, but had stopped using it because squirrels had taken to terrorizing the birds around the feeder and chewing up the feeders. The only feeder they could not steal from was one made of linked metal, and they bent the metal in places. Since the terracotta feeder had a plastic middle, I was pretty sure they would chew it up. I have not had as much squirrel trouble this year as I have in the past, although I wonder why. They are running thick all over the yard and trees. At any rate I brought this feeder back into service and positioned it so I could see it out my kitchen window. Within minutes I was rewarded with several sparrows and cardinals visiting. One day there was a red bellied wood pecker hopping about on the ground near the feeder. What was he doing there? I thought they just ate bugs and worms. the next day I spotted him in a nearby tree. I have often heard the hammering in the summer. I couldn't get his picture, but you can see what he looks like here.
If squirrels  are not a problem, or if plenty of money is available to keep the feeder filled for the greedy squirrels, a feeder can easily and quickly be made from a can with a plastic lid. Cut an entry hole in the plastic lid, cut a hole for a stick for a perch (glue this a bit to stabilize it), make some holes in the side to attach a hanger, fill with seed, and get outta the way-birds are coming.

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