Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sock on a Rock

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You never know what strange things you may see, if you just notice.
 Leaves are lost from the trees and gather in huddles on the ground till the wind blows them away. The trees are bare and their skeletons stand unashamed against the sky. They know their strength and their place in the scheme of things. The leaves have their own purpose, and altho the two share life for a while, they must ultimately depart on their own journey.
Lichens that cover the rocks slowly, oh so slowly, dissolve it away, but the rocks are so deep-rooted, that it hardly matters. The minerals from the rocks will mix with the humus from the leaves, and  a myriad of creatures, some tiny , some microscopic, will consume these offerings as their just due. The spiders, the beetles, pill bugs, worms, grubs, nematodes, and fungi will go on their ways, feasting, warming in the sun, cooling in the soil, falling in love, marrying, multiplying, and dying, without any human taking notice.
It's a wonderful world.
Take care of it.

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