Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thanksgiving Cactus

I had some beautiful Thanksgiving cactus this year. It always seems that one day I go into the greenhouse and there they are--in full bud and bloom. I bring them up to the house and put them in the window over the sink and they are beautiful for about a week or 10 days at the most. That's the trouble with these things. You wait all year and then they are just a flash in the pan. Poinsettias on the other hand last so long that you really get sick of them and stop watering them adequately or put them in a dark corner till their leaves start to yellow. Then you can sneak them out to the compost pile.  As the days grow steadily shorter, it is a fine thing to have some bright blooms in the kitchen where I spend a lot of time in December.
The other day I overheard some one talking on and on about Point Setters.I began thinking of all the ways that might be a good name for Poinsettias, like maybe the pointed bracts that make up the blooms, or that maybe they could be given to the basketball players with the most points at the end of the game. (Now that's a way we could get rid of those tired things in February!)

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