Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lycoris squamigera

These Lycoris squamigera go by several names: surprise lilies and naked ladies are two .  They spring up so suddenly in July, just when most of the starch has gone out of other flowers. They are so delicate and spring-like it is hard to believe they are blooming in the heat and drought. I had a line of them for several years but this year only 2 of the clumps bloomed. I wonder if I have accidentally dug into them. After the flowers finish, the foliage comes up and lasts into the winter, just like regular red spider lilies. (They belong to the same genus). They are so beautiful I am always tempted to cut them for the house, but one time cured me. They smell terrible. Like burning rubber, sort of. So just look at how beautiful they are, but keep your nose away.
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