Monday, August 29, 2011

Celosia or Cockscomb

This celosia or cockscomb is grown from seed that was produced on last years flowers. I saved some seed, germinated them and planted out the plants. Some just reseeded in situ. Next year I will try to remember that and when they come up in the bed, I can just weed out the ones I do not want or move them around to where I can find space. Notice that I said find space, not where I want them. I have to want things where I have space. These are bright eye-catching plants, needing full sun to be at their best. It never fails that when people see them they call them "brains", and they do have that look about them. They make great cut flowers and dry wonderfully. Be sure and put them somewhere to dry so that you can catch the seed that will pop out in the process. Then give the seed to friends, or just broadcast them in the flower bed and hope for the best.
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