Friday, July 22, 2011

Yellow 4 O'clocks

Last year my 4 O'clocks were pink. This year they are yellow. Go figure. But they are still fragrant and a real joy. Some of the flowers have a pink smear in them, some are solid yellow. Maybe this is a different plant, and the one from last year did not come back. They have huge perennial roots that do mostly overwinter here, but we did have some very cold weather last winter. There are  quite a few  smaller plants that have come up in the area, but only this one blooming. I must really like night blooming flowers,as I have grow 4 O'clocks, which you can almost set your watch by, the evening primrose, night blooming cereus, and moon vine. The moon vine has not started blooming yet, but I am looking forward to it.
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