Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flower Bed in Early July

The flower bed changes so much as the days pass. One thing ends it's bloom, another begins. Some things melt in the heat, others thrive. In the foreground you can see the purple heart that is just coming into its own. Beside it, to the left is a  hibiscus that I grew from seed collected on a trip to the Gulf several years ago. It has grown into a nice plant through the years. It will soon start to bloom and has pale pink flowers about 2 inches in diameter. For the first couple years after I germinated it, I kept it in a pot and it was not happy. I finally gave up and committed it to the ground to live or die, and see what happened. The horseshoe table is a creation of Mr. Roy Hood. I use it as an odd trellis to hold up droopy plants. The bird bath to the upper right has almost been overtopped by the pink lilies that passed by mid-June.Posted by Picasa

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