Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sweetspire (Itea virginica)

I have 2 of these shrubs (Itea virginica) that bloom in the spring (May -zone 8) and they are so fresh and pretty. I would not want to miss out on these lovely flowers by not giving it at least enough attention to assure flowers the next year. I do give them a little water when it gets extremely dry, but they are fairly tough. One was given to me and the other I bough in sorry condition on sale late in the year last year. But both flowered beautifully this spring. 'Little Henry' has beautiful red twigs in the winter (the shrubs are deciduous) and are small in statue ( mine are about 2 feet tall after 2 or more years). I assume they will get larger, but for now they are cute rounded low shrubs. they do not appear to be bothered by much and even the deer have not eaten them (yet!).
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