Tuesday, April 5, 2011

New Baby Turtle

This is my new baby turtle. It got caught in a swimming pool skimmer and has come to live with me as of about a week ago. It is not a red eared slider, or at least it does not have red ears. If you would like to tell me what it is, I would welcome any suggestions. It is cute as can be, but it has not eaten anything since I had it. I have offered it a bit of chicken gizzard but it was not interested. Neither did it want anything to do with some floating turtle food.


  1. It's probably a yellow belly slider. If the 'ears' don't make an 'S' shape, then it is probably a Cumberland Slider. Google both and I'm sure you will be able to see what i mean. It is definitely one of the two, or quite possibly a mix of both.

  2. Want some more? Mary pulled two more out of the skimmers yesterday.
