Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Narcissus and Muscari

I used to disparage Grape Hyacinths (Muscari), but now I am seeing their merits. For one thing, they seem to persist forever. If they meet with a sudden move in location, they just start growing and blooming wherever they are when spring comes. One at a time they are not much, it's true, but over time,one becomes many and they make a great blue splash against the many yellows in spring. I have seen quite a few clumps in people's yards this year as I drive along and it has made me wish for more for my own yard. Once I planted some double Muscari but they never bloomed well, even though they were in a flower bed, as opposed to having to fight it out with the grass in the lawn. I guess this just shows you should not mess around with a good thing. They were not even that pretty anyway.
 The yellow in this shot is an old timey narcissus that I often see growing about old home sites. There are certainly a lot of them in my yard (this is an old home site).  They are fragrant as all narcissus are. They also have a longer season of bloom than many of the larger flowered narcissus.
We are getting to the end of our spring bulb show. Enjoy while you can.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know how cut muscari fares for flower arrangements? I saw some here www.wholeblossoms.com/flowers/grape-hyacinth-muscari-843.html and was thinking about ordering some but didn't know how long they last or endure.
