Thursday, March 3, 2011


Crocuses are still blooming but are beginning to fade some now. These pictures were made when they were in their prime. These are the early blooming crocus with the small flowers.Most of the ones I see for sale in the stores are the hybrid giants that bloom later, and do not have the delicate beauty of these early ones. I planted a handful of bulbs 25 years ago under the oak and now they are thick and even have moved out of the bed to some degree. I think though that they may have gotten pulled out when I was weeding or thinning the old timey butterfly bushes that spread so readily. they just started growing where they lay in the grass. I start watching for them to bloom in December every year, and if the weather is mild, they often do bloom in December. This year it was after mid-January that they began. On bright days they open but when it is cloudy, they stay shut.

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