There are several of these miniature Cymbidiums blooming in the greenhouse now. I have had this plant and propagated it for more than 25 years. It blooms reliably every January and February. These are available right now in bud and bloom for $15.
As soon as it begins to warm in the spring, I put the pots outside the greenhouse in the shade and leave them there til after a light frost falls, usually the first week in December. The cooling helps them to set the flower buds that will open early in the year, at a time when not many other things are blooming. These are just right for a side table decoration. They are very tolerant of indoor conditions and after flowering they should be kept moist and given as much light as you can manage til they can be put outdoors for the growing season.
Fertilize monthly except when they are blooming.
I got the original start of this plant from a woman in Raleigh, North Carolina. It was cold and she had just returned from Florida, perhaps to winterize her house. When she pulled the plant from her bay window and unpotted it to divide it, I thought"O Boy." There were ice crystals all in the root ball. She seemed unconcerned and brushed my worries aside saying it would not hurt the plant. And she was right. It was not bothered at all. Although it was not hurt, I do not recommend this practice.
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