Monday, September 6, 2010

Petrified Wood from Arizona

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This petrified wood from Arizona is in display at the Tellus Museum in Cartersville. The first shot shows a slice through the petrified wood and the second shows the outside, perhaps bark part of the tree. I have been to the Petrified Forest and it is a truly amazing site.Huge petrified logs are laying on top of the ground. There are also small pieces laying around everywhere. Before it became a park, people used dynamite to blow the logs apart to search for crystals that sometimes appear in the rock.  These petrified trees occur over a large area and are also found outside the park. That explains why you can buy pieces of the wood as well as novelties like bookends made from the petrified wood. These petrifications are much prettier than our Alabama petrified wood, which appears very much like wood but looks like mud.

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