Sunday, September 12, 2010

More Big butterflies

When I first saw this butterfly I thought it was a big swallowtail, but when I looked at the picture I knew that it was NOT a swallowtail. Where are the tails?? I consulted Gary Mullen who told me it was a female Diana Fritillary and it normally lives farther north in Alabama, in the northeast of Alabama, in fact. He was surprised and pleased to see one  this far south (Waverly). This species has seen a decline recently. It's caterpillars feed on violets. I was surprised and pleased to have found something at least semi-rare, even if  I didn't know it when I took the picture.
Posted by PicasaThis butterfly is a Giant Swallowtail.. It can be identified by the X across its wings and the eyespots on the upper wings, and of course its tails. I have seen quite a few of these last year and this. The butterflies seem huge this year.

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