Friday, July 9, 2010


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Yarrow is a great plant to add to flower arrangements, to dry for arrangements, and also as a filler for flower beds to form a foil for other blooms. It's ferny foliage is nice alone, but the flowers are a value added. In some places (the Smokies) I have seen it growing beside the road as a wildflower.In North Carolina where I used to go to the Farmer's market, the daughter of one of the cut flower sellers grew, dyed, and sold the yellow variety to a floral supply company. They sent a transfer truck to her farm to get the plants.
My favorite is the rose/pink variety. It reminds me of red spirea, which I also like. The picture shows how it fills in around these daises. Yarrow is easily propagated, by seed or dividing clumps. They are extremely tolerant of all kinds of soils and water situations. Of course they do best in good soil with water during dry periods.

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