Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June's Glory

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June is on the downhill slide now, but it has been glorious. This is a picture of one of my flower beds a couple weeks ago. I didn't get it posted before because I was too busy sweating. The heat and humidity have not bothered these flowers much.The beautiful pink lilies behind the bird bath were bought one year at a late season sale and I planted them en mass in case they were too damaged to sprout by their sojourn in the store. I have been rewarded several times over for my rescue effort. The yellow and read zinnias can be seen sticking their heads above the crowd in the center left of the bed. This is the first time I have grown cock's comb (the red brain looking thing to the right foreground of the picture. I was expecting them to be short, but maybe I should have read the description more carefully. At any rate I am happy enough with them at this point. There is Cleome (a volunteer) and lots of coneflowers. This was the peak for this particular set of June flowers.

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