Sunday, June 6, 2010

Communion Sunday

Today I went to the contemporary service at church. I am not fond of the music in the contemporary service and I suppose that is what people who go like about it. To me the music itself seems to have tunes generated by a synthesizer where the same few bars play over and over and the lyrics are just as boring. Chose a phrase and sing it over and over again. The music just can't compare with the best that hundreds of years of Christianity has generated. But today there had been a couple of fairly calm songs and the second song during communion started with such a crash that I jumped in my pew. I do wonder why that choice was made.
And... the communion wafers were rancid. This was quite startling to me,too. I got some chuckles trying to figure out what this might mean on a cosmic scale. I will just leave that to your imagination.

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