Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peach Trees


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The peach trees have finished blooming now. They are worth having just for the spring show.Even if you do not care for all the spraying and protecting you need to do to get fruit, the flowers come on and provide enough enjoyment by themselves. When you are eating some peaches in the summer, just stick the pits in the ground somewhere that they can germinate and in about 3 years you will have something beautiful for almost no effort. This tree is one my mother grew. It is the little white fleshed clear seed ones like people in the south had long ago. Although there were a few worms in them, there were not too many as to make the crop worthless. Mother would break these peaches open without peeling , remove the pit and any worm eaten part and dry them in the sun on sheets of tin covered in newspaper. Dried peaches made wonderful fried pies in the winter.

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