Thursday, April 22, 2010



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I have always enjoyed looking at Lichens and there are some interesting ones around my area. The first picture is the most abundant site for them that I know. Lichens are usually the first colonizers on newly formed or eroded soil. Think rocks, here, for newly formed.They are made of two different organisms, a fungus and an algae. The symbiotic relationship helps each individually. The algae manufactures sugars for use by the fungus and the fungus aids the algae in the uptake of water and nutrients. Even though a lichen like this one may feel hard to the touch when it is dry, put water on it and it instantly becomes soft. Lichens are useful for adding a little color and texture for terrariums. (Well, that is the not the only thing they are good for. They do start the soil making process). When they appear on the branches of a tree or shrub, they do not harm the plant but are usually an indicator that the tree or shrub is under stress. Removing the lichen will not help the plant at all, just as headache medicine will not cure a brain cancer. In the case of the tree or shrub, look to the roots for the actual trouble.

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