Sunday, April 18, 2010

Confederate Rose Seed Pod

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My Confederate Rose has just put out new growth. I really meant to get it out of that pot and planted in the ground before the new growth started. I suppose I will still do it though. It's just a matter of selecting a good place for it. Now that it seems to be turning dry (not unexpected after all the rain we have had this winter), Digging a big hole for this 10 gallon pot will be more of a chore than it would have been before. The seed pods were collected during the winter and I think the detail on them is perfectly beautiful. I should have picked more. They would be great in a dried wreath where it would be seen up close.

On another note, in church today the organ and piano played a duet with the 1812 Overture and He Lives. It was spectacular. The congregation clapped which they never do except for children.

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