Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daffodils are my Favorites

I may have said this before, but whenever I die, I want you all to buy daffodils and plant them in remembrance of me and the goodness of God in giving us a beautiful earth. As a child I loved to gather them by heaping handfuls and I still like to. Except now I like to see them in my yard, too. So I am torn. There are never enough daffodils.

A few days ago a woman about my age stopped by and asked me if she could dig up some of my daffodils for her own yard. I was pretty taken aback. But I just said that the reason i had so many was I planted them every year. She asked where I got them and I said I bought them. it turned out she was as charmed as I am by daffodils but she did not know where to get them or when. I explained that they are sold in the stores in the fall, usually October. She seemed a little piqued with it all; I guess she wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

Many people do not think about the bulbs quietly growing underground while the trees and all the rest are loosing their leaves and appearing to rest. I say appearing to rest because trees actually grow in winter. But that is another subject. So many things in nature are not what they first seem.

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