Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rainbow Eucalyptus

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This is a Rainbow Eucalyptus tree trunk. I guess you can see why it's called that. This is to remind me of all the simple beautiful things that surround me everywhere.

I have had one daffodil to bloom so far. The rest are just sitting there with tight pointed buds waiting for the least bit of warmth before they elongate and open. I admit that I can hardly wait. The crocus are not waiting though; I have lots of the lavender ones blooming every day the sun shines. These started out in the flower bed around the oak, but now they are beginning to spread out into the surrounding grass. The secret to their creep out of the bed is due to my careless weeding, I am sure. I have some old timey purple butterfly bush in that bed and every couple years I pull up all I can find and the bulbs come out with the butterfly bush roots. I find this is an effective strategy for dealing with any plant that spreads too easily but that I want to keep. Every couple of years pull it all out. In the case of this Buddelia which spreads by runners, and also with perennial ageratum, I still keep enough to satisfy.

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